Membership matters

31 October 2023


Two longstanding members of REINSW share how membership has helped them to build successful businesses and establish stellar reputations in their local communities.

Doyle Spillane

As long as Matt Morley, one of the team of Directors at Doyle Spillane, can remember, the agency has been a member of REINSW.

“It’s always just been part of how we do things here,” he said.

Doyle Spillane first opened its doors as Doyle Wheeler Spillane in the early 1990s, switching to the current Doyle Spillane not long afterwards.

“By the time I joined 27 years ago, they were REINSW members and that’s simply how it’s always been and how it always will be,” he said. “There’s an understanding here that it’s important to be a member – primarily because of the ethics and good reputation that goes along with membership.

“Because we’re independent, we don’t have that backing from a franchise, so we know that REINSW is there for us if we need it. We’ve never considered not being part of it.”

While founders Steven Doyle and Peter Spillane have both now retired, Matt said they’ve retained the name because of the strong reputation the pair developed in the local area over the decades.

“They built a great team and developed this very well-known and well-respected brand in the area,” Matt explained. “Then, when Peter Spillane retired in 2006, I bought into the agency, along with one of our property managers, Joe Iemma. We still run the agency with the same ethical focus that’s been there from the start. There’s no BS here. We’re completely authentic in how we do business.”

If I could sum it up in three words, REINSW is reliable, ethical and established. We’ve always been members and we always will be.
Matt Morley, Doyle Spillane

 The Doyle Spillane team in the early days of the agency's operation.

Talking to Matt, it’s clear that how they do business is as important as what they do – and this is what defines Doyle Spillane. It’s also what underpins their longstanding relationship with REINSW.

“We do what’s right for the client and we try to help,” he said. “Our mission is to go out there and serve, without expecting anything in return. And, because of that, we get referral business.

“I have some clients that I sold properties for 27 years ago, and have now sold seven or eight properties since with their new family members, upgrades and investments.

“We sponsor a lot of sports teams – supporting rugby and nippers, and so on – and we’re close to the community and local schools. That’s just how we do it.

“We’re certainly not the biggest, but we just do it our way. And we’re happy with that.

“Our REINSW membership has always given us the security of knowing that the Institute is there if we ever need help. We’re not out there on our own. It’s one of the pillars of how we do business. We always use the REINSW agreements and forms too – so we never have to worry about compliance in that area.

“If I could sum it up in three words, REINSW is reliable, ethical and established. We’ve always been members and we always will be.”

Richardson & Wrench Marrickville/Hurlstone Park

Richardson & Wrench Marrickville/Hurlstone Park has been family-owned and operated since 1971, when husband and wife team Peter and Christine Dendrinos purchased the business.

“Dad was a visionary”, Aris Dendrinos, Senior Sales Consultant and Licensee at the Agency, said. “He started off helping migrant workers set up deals, because his English was perfect.

“He understood the importance of property management from a very early stage and he would help clients buy the blocks that we would then manage. He worked all hours, while Mum was the licensee, looking after compliance, finance and the educational part of the business. She was the one making sure the train didn’t go off the tracks and joined REINSW in those early days. She always wanted to make sure things were done correctly.”

Despite his parents’ passion for real estate, neither Aris nor his two siblings had any intention of working in the industry.

“We all wanted to make our own way in the world,” he said. “So we all went off to university – but, of course, here we all are today working in the business! The minute he stopped trying, Dad got everything he wanted.”

Aris believes that having that university education has helped build trust within the community.

“Sometimes the public views agents differently,” he said. “I’m not a rock star and I don’t want my face on a bus stop. I’m far more about substance than style. Unfortunately, agents are not always portrayed as particularly trustworthy or reliable.

“That’s where REINSW is so important. When there’s legislation that isn’t going to benefit the wider community, they can lobby without people thinking that agents are just trying to feather their own nest. Having REINSW as our mouthpiece is a huge benefit.”

“We’ve been very thankful and appreciative of REINSW’s existence. We pay our membership so that they can promote our interests and work for the betterment of the community, while we’re busy overseeing our businesses and putting food on the table for our families.”

We’ve been very thankful and appreciative of REINSW’s existence. We pay our membership so that they can promote our interests and work for the betterment of the community.
Aris Dendrinos, Richardson & Wrench Marrickville/Hurlstone Park


 Peter and Christine Dendrinos established the agency in 1971 and quickly became REINSW members.

As well as real estate, Aris has worked extensively for charities over the years, supporting the Rotary Club and the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. The agency also works with numerous local organisations, including helping needy families with expensive sports registrations.

“Charity work invigorates me,” Aris said. “If I didn’t do the charity work, it would be hard to keep doing my role for as long as I have.”

Looking to the future, Aris wants to continue in his father’s footsteps.

“Dad still comes to work and most people are shocked when they learn that he is 89,” he said. “If there’s one thing that scares my Dad, it’s getting up in the morning and not having anything to do.

“I’ve been doing this for a long time. It’s in my blood. The year that my parents bought the business was the year I was born, so I’ve always been around the industry. I don’t ever see myself retiring and not working. I don’t want to be a slave to work, but I always want to be doing something with purpose.”

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