Recognition of prior learning

1 October 2019

Be ahead of training changes

Changes to training and education standards are now right around the corner, so it’s vital you understand how it will impact you – and what steps you can take to minimise disruption to your job.

While these changes are a great step in growing the professionalism of our industry, it’s easy to understand why the idea of returning to the classroom when you’ve been working in the industry for years, isn’t that appealing.

What’s changing?

Under the new training reforms, agents who hold a Certificate of Registration qualification will need to transition to their Real Estate Licence within a prescribed time frame, or risk being excluded from the industry for 12 months.

Once the changes come into effect, certificate holders will no longer be able to sign agency agreements.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

When the changes do begin, there’ll only a limited window of opportunity in which thousands of agents will need to up-skill. But there’s something you can do now to avoid the rush and potentially shave time off your training.

Some Certificate of Registration holders will be eligible to transition to their Certificate IV qualification through REINSW’s Recognition of Prior Learning program. It’s where our assessors consider your industry experience and devise the gap training you need, to receive a qualification that will comply with the new regulations.

Once you have your Certificate IV qualification you can apply to NSW Fair Trading for a Real Estate Licence.

Not only can this save time, but it can be done in-house, so multiple agents within the same agency can train at the same time.

Why choose this option?

Harris Partners Real Estate recently undertook RPL training at their agency in Balmain.

This is what they had to say:

“The course itself was seamless and Jan Morrison was an exceptional trainer. She went through each section in great detail and tested my knowledge to the core.

“Having 20 years’ experience in the industry I only had two modules to complete.

“In just over 3 weeks I received my certificate of attainment, I then applied for my licence which arrived a few weeks later.

 “I believe had I not had the onsite support I would still not have my licence."

 Sinead Szerenga  | Head of Rental Department


“The Cert IV RPL in-house training option at REINSW is a very convenient medium as the teacher comes to you

“Jan is upbeat, personable and thoroughly knowledgeable about the material she teaches. Her enthusiasm for the topics she taught very rapidly spread to the group, so much so that each training session passed very quickly.

“The high and thorough standards exhibited by Janet and the REINSW make for a very good experience.”

Gavin Freidin | Sales Consultant


Don’t waste time learning things you already know. Talk to REINSW today about Recognition of Prior Learning. For more information call 02 9264 2343.

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