Winter is coming

29 May 2024


As temperatures cool, our homes heat up. Electric blankets are rolled out, heaters are turned on and fireplaces come into use. But while enjoying this cosy comfort, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of fire safety and having working smoke alarms in place.

Home fires are more likely to occur in winter than in summer. In fact, with every mod-con we turn on to stave off the cold, the chances of a home fire increase.

In October 2023, Fire and Rescue NSW reported that there was a 12 per cent increase in house fires during winter for the year, with 1063 residential fires occurring. There were 115 people injured in these fires and eight who died.

There’s no doubt that these figures reinforce the need for working smoke alarms in all homes in New South Wales. In fact, there was no working smoke alarm in almost half of the fires attended by Fire and Rescue NSW last winter.

Smoke alarms are critical

Did you know that the absence of working smoke alarms in a premises increases the risk of dying in a house fire by an incredible 80 per cent?

“It’s a terrifying statistic,” Gina Wood, National Sales & Marketing Manager at Smoke Alarms Australia, said. “It’s not enough to have smoke alarms installed – they must work! Data for properties serviced by Smoke Alarms Australia shows that more than 50 per cent of homes are not compliant when we carry out the first service.

“Strict rules outline the responsibilities of landlords and agents – and the simplest way to protect yourself, your landlords and your tenants is to engage a smoke alarm service provider who will manage the maintenance of alarms at all of your properties.

“Smoke Alarms Australia is the name you can trust to manage compliance. We’ve been doing it since 2005, and use all of our knowledge and experience to get it right for you.

“Our team is highly trained and passionate about keeping people safe in their homes. We’ve carried out more than 2.2 million services over the years and see so many properties that are not compliant on our first visit.

“Our team work tirelessly to get the job done, so you can get on with what you need to do.

“Compliance is complicated, but working with Smoke Alarms Australia is not.”

To find out more about how Smoke Alarms Australia can work with you, please call 1300 125 276.


Contact Smoke Alarms Australia

Every winter, there are more than 1100 home fires, resulting in approximately 100 fire-related injuries. A fire can take hold in three minutes, but it only takes seconds to prevent one.

Ensure properties under your management are compliant and safe this winter. Contact Smoke Alarms Australia on 1300 125 276.

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