REINSW’s inaugural Commercial Agent Summit 2023

3 November 2023

REINSW organised a special Commercial Agent Summit which took place yesterday at Sydney Town Hall, our last big event for 2023.

The event, hosted by Barry Johnston - REINSW’s President-elect and a commercial specialist - was enjoyed by more than 200 attendees from across the Greater Sydney and NSW commercial real estate space.

Attendees enjoyed a day of inspiring presentations from some amazing speakers. The day was packed with practical must-know information with sessions from Australia’s leading commercial real estate subject matter experts.

Gary Newton kicked off proceedings and wowed the audience with engaging talks on contract for the sale and purchase of land as well as the difference between a retail and a commercial lease.

Jenine Cranston took us through the intricacies of ESG (Environmental, Sustainability and Governance) – what it is and the current trends impacting companies.

Our panellists Jesse Curtis and Gavin Bishop discussed their phenomenal success in industrial real estate and the importance of good relationships being the key to their success.

One great speaker after another took us through a range of topics including Massons fascinating commercial leases case study, REINSW’s Aaron Barber’s exciting and slightly scary topic of cyber security and artificial intelligence and how it will impact companies, and Leisha de Aboitiz’s detailed study of strata renewal developments.

The event was rounded out by Tom Goode from Ethos Group taking the audience through a detailed look at how the Central station area will be transformed into a Tech Hub, the first of its kind in Australia.

With these critical sessions from Australia’s leading commercial real estate subject matter experts, the Commercial Summit equipped the audience with the knowledge to help minimise the financial and legal risks of operating in the commercial space, whilst earning Class 1 and 2 licenced commercial agents their four compulsory CPD hours, as required by NSW Fair Trading.

Mr Johnston remarked on the success of this inaugural Commercial Agent Summit and the inspiration that the audience took away with them.

“I think it’s been a great day! We’ve had over 200 people here. Everyone’s been excited and the energy has been high,” said Mr Johnston.

“We’ve had some amazing speakers and we’ve covered a whole range of topics from ESG to law to contracts, leases. We’ve had Gavin Bishop and Jesse Curtis who are industrial experts on top of their game – they’ve really shared a lot of information with our members, and it’s been great to have these and so many other great speakers with us today.”

I’m enjoying the topics. There is so much value here for commercial members. The topics covered - lease agreements, heads of agreements, contract law, what to look out for – we work on these every day as part of our work so it’s really good to bring these topics into the forefront of your mind from where you may have gotten a little bit bogged down in what you do and receive that broader trigger on what else to be aware of. The Summit offers great commercial education and I’m so happy to combine the day with completing my CPD hours for the year. It’s a win-win!

Christina Malcolm, The GPT Group

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