Benefits of Online vs Face-to-face Real Estate Courses | REINSW

19 July 2023

Since the pandemic began, our private and professional lives have changed - we now seamlessly pivot between face-to-face and virtual interactions. In many ways, the online real estate course revolution is making our other everyday business activities more efficient, saving us both time and money. However, when it comes to learning, especially in the real estate industry, it gets personal. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to gaining new property industry knowledge and skills in real estate. While some people love the interaction of an “old school” classroom, others thrive with the flexibility of virtual lessons. Given there are pros and cons to both in-person property courses and online real estate training courses, let's unpack the advantages and disadvantages of both learning paths for real estate agents, property managers and other real estate professionals.

The case for face-to-face real estate courses & learning

Feedback is immediate 

When you're in a property management services classroom environment, students can directly interact with instructors and peers in real time. It helps if you're the type of hands-on learner who likes to ask questions, seek clarification, get guidance and engage in discussions about real estate training. Being in the room with your real estate licence trainer and other real estate and certificate course students means you can also tap into non-verbal cues and body language in your own time in a way that online learning doesn't offer.

Networking is invaluable

In a face-to-face situation, you never know who you might meet. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals in your field is a bonus, as you can liaise with property and real estate business professionals who might become valuable contacts throughout your whole career in the real estate industry. Physical classrooms also provide a friendly social environment where people can also connect with peers. These settings also teach practical skills, allow for group projects, and team collaborations, and can give you a deeper perspective on the topics discussed.

Structure is a great foundation

If you're someone who thrives on disciplined learning, or simply needs a friendly push to get the job or the task done on time, then face-to-face learning is for you. Face-to-face training gives you that fixed schedule complete with regular classes, and assignment deadlines. These stricter real estate career class environments also offer the dedicated learning space that home learning often cannot.

A personal approach

 Nothing can quite replace the bespoke approach face-to-face real estate career learning provides. Whether you want to learn to conduct property inspections, or you're embarking on an assistant agent course, the real estate agent trainer - with their industry experience - will be able to identify where your weaknesses and skills are and provide extra personalised support.

I found the training online provided by the REI NSW to be very helpful. It was easy to navigate around the site and it was delivered professionally. Not only was the training delivered with a speaker, but summaries were put up on the screen so I could make notes for future reference. 

Helen Mitchell

When online real estate courses & property management learning make sense

Flexibility and accessibility

 For real estate sales business learners with a full to-do list and not a lot of free time in their off hours, online commercial property services courses could be the way to go. After all, online property manager courses have a flexible “learn at your own pace” nature. Just log on to the student portal any time you're ready to view the course material! This is also great for anyone with a new career who might travel a lot, or live remotely, as these online property and commercial real estate courses allow you to study from the comfort of your home office

Customise the content

While it's less personal than learning opposite a licensed real estate agent instructor with your peers around you, online real estate business course platforms can often use adaptive learning technologies that allow students to receive tailor-made content, course material and assessments based on their individual strengths, weaknesses, and even learning styles.

Digital resources at your fingertips

By learning about real estate practice online, you'll have access to a wide range of material, including multimedia presentations, courses, interactive modules, videos, e-books, and virtual libraries to access when and where you want.

A larger pool of collaboration

With an online real estate course, sure, you may not be in the room with your real estate peers. That being said, online real estate qualification courses still allow you to interact and collaborate with students and instructors through forums, a student registration portal, chat rooms, video calls and projects promoting meaningful engagement and real estate knowledge sharing.

Save on real estate training

Online property management courses from a registered training organisation can be more cost-effective compared to traditional property market courses, which is great for the budget-conscious real estate learner. By studying real estate practice at home, real estate students can also potentially save on travel, accommodation, and other expenses associated with in-person attending a physical real estate course.

Update your real estate career path

What about existing real estate agents or someone with their own real estate business? When real estate agent agency management and property sales courses are online, students can continue their education while in a real estate salesperson role. Online real estate courses particularly suit real estate sales agents who may already own their own agency, who want flexibility when they upgrade their professional practice job skills, gain property industry certifications, such as the Certificate IV in Real Estate practice, or complete degrees without interrupting their 9 to 5 workday.

I have just completed my Certificate IV in Real Estate to become a Class 2 agent in NSW. Special shout out to Eva and Cathy for supporting me throughout the last 2 years. They answered every question I had, and even set up a last-minute class to assist me in completing one of the really difficult modules, and therefore complete the course! I could not have done it without their help! Definitely make sure to do your course with REINSW. You will not be disappointed! 

Jordana Veis

Whether it's face-to-face, or online, training with REINSW gives real estate agents and professionals the opportunity to learn with the peak real estate industry association with more than 110 years of experience. For more information on the right course for you to thrive on your property career path get in touch with us today.


View all of REINSW Online Real Estate Courses & Face-face-face options.

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RTO Provider Number: 90117

This training is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework

RTO: The Real Estate Institute of New South Wales Ltd

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