Keeping It Real On The Road

23 April 2021

After a year of Zoom meetings, online training and Facebook live broadcasts, we’re excited to hit the road once again for the REINSW Roadshow and spend time with members.

For the last decade, the REINSW Roadshow has been a staple on our training calendar. It gives us the opportunity to talk to you and gain an understanding of the real issues you’re confronted with every day in your market. It also gives you, our members, the chance to hear about what we’re working towards, how we’re representing you and what matters in our industry.

Unfortunately, just as we kicked off the Roadshow last year, COVID-19 hit and we were forced into a virtual environment. While we all made the best of this situation, it’s simply not the same as getting together and being able to talk about things face-to-face.

That’s why I’m so excited that, to hit the road again this year. Roadshow began in mid-April; we’ve already visited four locations and we’re winding our way around New South Wales and holding Roadshow sessions in 14 more locations.

Building on the success of our regular ‘Keeping It Real’ Facebook Live updates, this year the theme for the Roadshow is ‘Keeping It Real On The Road’. And that’s exactly what REINSW CEO Tim McKibbin and I are doing – we’re keeping it real and will be providing you with the essential information you need.

Bringing the industry together

The interaction we have with members each year at the Roadshow gives us a clearer understanding of what agents are facing at the coalface. This, in turn, stands us in good stead when we seek to work with and influence government and other major industry stakeholders on your behalf.

As the peak industry body for real estate in New South Wales, it’s critical that we’re clear about what we’re trying to achieve for and on behalf of our members – and, each year, the Roadshow provides us with this clarity in spades.

Complete your CPD

This year, we’re inviting you to spend the full day with us.

As you’re aware, CPD obligations changed with the commencement of industry reforms on 23 April 2020. Now Class 2 licence holders need to complete three hours of compulsory topics (as set down by NSW Fair Trading) and three hours of elective topics. And, at the Roadshow, you can complete both. In the morning, you can complete your elective topics and then, in the afternoon, we’ll be covering the compulsory topics.

So, by attending the Roadshow this year, you’ll complete all your CPD requirements. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet with REINSW CEO Tim McKibbin and I at networking drinks at the end of the day, and let us know about the issues that are close to your heart.

Thanks for your support

Our Roadshow gets bigger and better each year, and we’re proud of the support we receive from you, our members. Without you, REINSW would not exist.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Find out more information and purchase tickets today to Roadshow 2021!

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