Supervision Guidelines

Section 32 of the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW) sets out a requirement of licensees, to properly supervise businesses. This requirement includes supervising employees and establishing and monitoring compliance procedures.

To help you understand your responsibilities as a licensee, NSW Fair Trading has issued Supervision Guidelines, which clarifies what constitutes the proper supervision of the business of a licensee. 

You can read more on the rules of conduct and view the current and new NSW Fair Trading Supervision Guidelines below.

Current Supervision GuidelinesIn force until 30 June 2023. 

NEW Supervision Guidelines. In force from 01 July 2024.

REINSW Supervision Guidelines Portal

To assist you in navigating these significant changes, REINSW presents the Supervision Guidelines Portal – your comprehensive resource for compliance. This online portal provides you with the tools, templates, and resources you need to meet the new requirements seamlessly, efficiently and cost-effectively. This includes a customisable Supervision Guidelines Template to help you craft your agency’s operational procedures.

Purchase access now.
(Existing subscribers to the Manual do not need to purchase. They are automatically upgraded and can login here with their exiting REINSW Website login details).